XLPE Insulated Halogen Free Flame Resistant Single Core Power Cables with Copper Conductor

Product description

Type: N2XH FE 180

Standards: TS HD 604 S1 ,DIN – VDE 0276 – 604

Structure: Copper conductor, Mica Tape, XLPE insulated, HFFR outer sheath

Where it is used : Mines, Refineries, Hotels, Schools, high-rise buildings, hospitals, tunnels, power plants, data processing centers and business centers where people are concentrated and fire-sensitive areas

Technical Data: Max. Working temperature 90 degrees, Max short circuit temperature 250 degrees, Min. Bending radius 15 * D D: Cable outer diameter (mm)

N2XH FE 180
Maks.Working temperature 90 degree. Maks.Short circuit temperature 250 degree, Minim.bending radius 15*D D:Outer diameter of cable (mm)
Mines, Refineries, Hotels, Schools, high-rise buildings, hospitals, tunnels, power plants, data processing centers and business centers where people are concentrated and fire-sensitive areas

TS HD 604 S1 ,DIN – VDE 0276 – 604

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